The main subsystem of the EcoDPI complex is one or more devices of deep traffic analysis - EcoDPI Unit. This device is designed for packet analysis at the L2-L7 levels of the OSI model. In addition, the EcoDPI Unit is able to detect traffic from more than 2000 different apps. Traffic statistics collected during the analysis are transmitted via a special protocol to the collector included in the complex. EcoDPI presents a configuration for small operators from 3 Gb/s to 100 Gb/s.
One of the functions of the EcoDPI Unit is to manage traffic according to specified policies. Policies can be protocol-based, which allows to: restrict (policing or ban) the traffic of a particular app, protocol, network, port, restrict traffic of specified protocols with specified meta-data, for certain Web resources; apply QoS policies.
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Supported by the Moscow Government
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