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Kaspersky Fraud Prevention

Platform for secured development of mobile and online payment channels


The solution allows to preserve high level of security for developing mobile and online payment channels. It protects online and mobile remote service channels, providing security of the device and personal account. Device and environment analysis, behavioral analysis, passive biometrics and agentless malware detection allow to identify fraud activity when it has not started yet..

The platform includes a cloud service (Kaspersky Fraud Prevention Cloud) which uses machine learning-based technologies to protect digital channels from identity theft, hacking using automated tools, fraudulent transactions.

SDK package (Kaspersky Fraud Prevention for Mobile) provides security of mobile devices and protects from malware and spoofing, provides secure connection to banking services. Kaspersky Fraud Prevention for Endpoints runs on client computers and protects from malware and Internet based attacks.

426Latest update:04.16.2020

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Supported by the Moscow Government