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Yandex Go

Super app for ordering services and goods


The application combines ordering a taxi, car-sharing Drive, delivery services from restaurants Food, express delivery of products "Lavka", the direction of courier delivery and the schedule of ground transport.

The Yandex.Taxi service included in the application is the largest aggregator of taxi services in Russia in terms of the number of orders. The service transfers the order to the driver who can arrive the fastest, taking into account the user's location and traffic conditions.

The user is given the opportunity to evaluate the completed trip on a five-point scale. The ratings affect the rating of drivers and taxi services. Yandex.Taxi uses Yandex.Maps and Yandex.Navigator technologies to estimate the time of car delivery and calculate routes. The route is built taking into account both current and predicted traffic jams.

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564Latest update:12.14.2021

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Supported by the Moscow Government