MainMarket in Brief


11 Software Testing Centers to Appear in Russia by End of 2022

July 21, 2022, 13:56 (UTC+3)|

11 sectoral testing centers for Russian software will be created in Russia by the end of the year. The centers will be involved in testing the software for compatibility with other solutions and compliance with the specified functions. Ten centers will deal with specialized solutions, and the center based at the Voskhod Research Institute will test system-wide solutions, hardware and software systems.

The centers will select priority types and classes of foreign software products that require replacement in different sectors of the economy. The specialists in the centers will also formulate the terms of reference for Russian vendors for the development of products for these purposes. It is assumed that the mark indicating the successful product test will be displayed both on the marketplace and in the register of Russian software managed by the Ministry of Digital Development.

A center for technological expertise and certification of industry testing centers has already been created based on the Voskhod Research Institute. The specialists of the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the field of ICT will develop basic software testing methods and provide methodological support, while Voskhod will serve as a technology center for software testing and a developer of testing methods for hardware and software.

Original in Russian


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