MainMarket in Brief

15 Moscow Startups Raise $7.9 Million for Scaling

August 12, 2021, 16:38 (UTC+3)|

15 Moscow-based startups from the StartHub.Moscow incubator program raised more than $7.9 million (580 million rubles) for scaling, according to the Moscow Agency of Innovations.

The list includes cryptocurrency payment service Joys, which intends to channel funds for infrastructure development and product launch to new markets, as well as the SalesChain platform for working with banks and leasing companies. Using the raised funds, SalesChain plans to promote the service in Russian regions outside Moscow as well as enter new markets in Europe, Africa, and Latin America.

Product cards

Joys, SalesChain, Intelligent University, ICowork

In addition, the funding was raised by Intelligent University platform to develop online education in robotics for children and by ICowork, an aggregator of coworking spaces in Moscow.

Original (in Russian)


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