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1C and Kaspersky Lab to Create an Industrial Production Control System

June 15, 2022, 15:19 (UTC+3)|

The developer of software for automating business processes 1C Company and Kaspersky Lab will create a control system for industrial and other enterprises. To connect the equipment of enterprises to 1C systems, specialists will use Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway (data gateways for the IoT, run on KasperskyOS) and the company will also provide accountant’s remote workstation connection in the 1C: Enterprise system.

The system will collect data from the equipment connected to the industrial network. “This will make it possible to effectively track its load, distribute resources, reduce downtime and improve emergency response time,” the experts of the two companies said. The partners launched a pilot project at the Lenpoligraphmash plant.

According to the estimates of Kaspersky Lab, the size of the market for such solutions is 11 billion rubles (equivalent to $190 million), taking into account annual growth of at least 15%. However, according to experts, the project does not offer a new solution to the market, moreover, many industrial enterprises have difficulty in refraining from the use of foreign SAP and Oracle.

Original in Russian


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