MainMarket in Brief

The Russian Government

35 Industrial Competence Centers for Software Import Substitution Formed in Russia

July 11, 2022, 13:43 (UTC+3)|

35 industrial competence centers have been formed to replace foreign sectoral digital products and solutions. The centers will compose the procurement of software solutions for various economy sectors.

According to the source of RBC, the centers will determine the areas, types and classes of software that must be replaced, indicate the priority of development, and also manage the distribution of state support.

The government is assumed to finance two competing solutions for each type of industrial and system-wide software. 80% of the required amount may be co-financed, but the specific amount will be determined by the Ministry of Digital Development. In total, the government plans to allocate 37.1 billion rubles until 2024 to co-finance the replacement of foreign software. The funds will be distributed by the Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (Bortnik Fund), Skolkovo and the Russian Information Technology Development Foundation.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, the developed software should be universal so that multiple customers could use them. Competence centers will be headed by executives of sectoral companies.

Original in Russian


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