MainMarket in Brief


3G Stays in Russian Cities till 2025

October 28, 2022, 12:19 (UTC+3)|

The Ministry of Digital Development expects 3G to stay in large cities until 2025. The transition from 3G in rural areas will start in 2027. Terminals are said to be the biggest 3G shutdown issue. These are both the network operator equipment and customer devices that support the 3G and earlier standards.

MTS says it will take actions following the 3G subscribers withdrawal, and notes that operators are inclined to use the 3G frequencies for actual standards, including the next-generation ones. We are gradually changing from 3G to LTE, but for now the complete 3G network shutdown is not an option MegaFon company says. There is a large number of working devices in the network with 3G support - the operator explains. Tele2 is also not ready to announce the shutdown of 3G networks due to difficulties with network equipment availability and the slow replacement of such 3G devices as smartphones and M2M devices, including ATMs, terminals and security systems.

Earlier it was reported that operators would sign forward contracts for supply of Russian LTE and 5G base stations by the end of the year. The first contracts were signed by Rostelecom and Tele2.

Original in Russian


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