MainMarket in Brief

A law on the "digital sandboxes", experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovations, came into force in Russia

January 28, 2021, 18:00 (UTC+3)|

On January 28, the law on experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovations developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade came into force (dated July 31, 2020 No. 258-FZ).

Within the framework of "legal sandboxes", the government will allow a limited number of companies in a certain territory and for a certain period of time to comply with the current legislation with a number of features. Regulatory sandboxes are possible in several areas. These include medicine, transport, agriculture, financial activities, trade, construction, provision of state and municipal services and implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control, industry and other areas.

From January 28, seven projects will start working in the experimental legal regime:

  • service for commercial use of unmanned taxis;
  • a project for the provision of medical care using telemedicine technologies;
  • service of cargo transportation using unmanned heavy-duty drones;
  • project of remote conclusion of communication contracts;
  • medical decision support service based on artificial intelligence technologies;
  • service for small and medium-sized businesses for the selection of optimal areas and places of business based on big data;
  • a project to use anonymised medical data to improve the analysis of the effectiveness of drug therapy. 

Original (in Russian)


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