MainMarket in Brief


A New FoodTech Service Launched in Moscow

August 18, 2021, 14:19 (UTC+3)|

A new dark kitchen delivery service Gde Eda has been launched by Moscow-based taxi company Evrotransservis. The company is owned by Bogdan Konoshenko, the head of the taxi transport committee of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The service does not yet intend to compete with major players in the market and has abandoned partnerships with the Delivery Club and Yandex.Eats food services, Konoshenko said. The startup is limited to covering a territory with a population of around 130 thousand people. Despite that fact, Konoshenko does not rule out the possibility of expanding the business in the future.

Product cards

Gde Eda, Delivery Club, Yandex.Eats, and Local Kitchen

According to the company’s concept, the service is similar the Local Kitchen foodtech service, which was launched in 2017. However, Local Kitchen does not see the presence of competitors in the segment, the company representatives said.

Original (in Russian)


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