MainMarket in Brief

Alfa-Bank opened a "branch of the future" with biometric system in Moscow

June 17, 2020, 13:49 (UTC+3)|

Alfa-Bank opened a "branch of the future" with biometric system in Moscow. If the client gives consent for the use of facial recognition, the system determines his identity when he enters the branch and transfers information to the bank employee: full name, which services the client uses, what he may be interested in, etc. The accuracy of facial recognition system is 98%.

The branch also doesn't use paper - all documents are signed and stored on a smartphone. Moreover, it is possible to get information about the congestion in the bank office and choose preferred time for your visit.

The technology and office space options were being tested for four months.

The branch was opened in Maroseyka Street, 10/1, in the summer the bank plans to open two more branches - in Kuznetsky Most and near "Technopark", and in the fall - to begin scaling up the project to other 525 offices in Russia. The upgrading process will take two years.








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