MainMarket in Brief


Alfa-Bank will buy Netmonet cashless tipping service

February 16, 2021, 12:25 (UTC+3)|

Alfa-Bank will  become the sole owner of the Netmonet cashless tipping service. This is reported by Forbes with reference to two sources close to the bank.

Co-owner of the service Georgy Vysotsky said that Netmonet "is preparing for an investment deal",  which will be closed by the end of February. Details of the deals are not yet disclosed.

Elena Reznichenko, a spokesman for Alfa-Bank, declined to comment on the possible deal, but noted that the bank "is constantly looking for new partners, especially among fintech projects, to provide customers with the best innovative services on the market."
Netmonet service was launched in the summer of 2019. It allows visitors to catering establishments to pay tips with a bank card using the QR code on the check.  

Original (in Russian)


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