Autonomous non-commercial organization Digital Economy has made a positive conclusion on the experimental legal regime (ELR) of Yandex’s pilot testing driverless taxi service. This conclusion will be sent for approval to the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Transport.
As part of the discussion of the ELR program, the expert group "Digital Technologies in the Field of Land Transport" touched upon such issues as cyber security, the security of communication channels for remote interaction between an operator and an autonomous vehicle, their procedure in the event of an accident, as well as the gradual expansion of the experiment area.
Yandex, while presenting the ELR program, said that when using driverless cars through a taxi service, passengers will have their car’s “view” of the surrounding traffic situation: it determines its location, recognizes other road users, builds a trajectory and plans maneuvers.
Yandex announced the start of pilot testing of its driverless taxi service in Yasenevo Moscow dictrict this fall.
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On July 2, 2021, President Vladimir Putin signed a companion law to the law on experimental legal regimes, which makes it possible to start the piloting of driverless taxi services. The project of «regulatory sandbox» was presented by the Ministry of Economic Development.
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