MainMarket in Brief


Aquarius Plans to Invest $58.3 Million Electronics Plant Bought from RWM Capital

March 31, 2022, 17:35 (UTC+3)|

Aquarius plans to invest $58.3 million (5 billion rubles) in the production and logistics complex purchased from RWM Capital. Servers, data storage systems, personal computers, laptops, tablets, all-in-one PCs, personal digital assistants, printers and multifunctional devices will be assembled there.

In addition, Aquarius plans to produce 1.5 million devices per year. The experts of Aquarius said the company had large stocks of necessary components and equipment. According to Arseniy Brykin, director of the Basis Consortium association, Aquarius will be able to start production quickly, and the payback period will be from four to five years.

Original (in Russian)


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