Almost half of residents in Moscow (46%) use at least one paid subscription. Most often they pay for watching movies and series (28%), and for listening to music (22%). 16% of citizens are subscribed to services within an ecosystem. These conclusions were announced by The experts of the IT Department of Moscow drew such conclusions on the basis of a survey of more than 1,000 residents of Moscow from 18 to 65 years old who use the Internet.
Among niche subscriptions for goods and services, experts also highlighted subscriptions for bank transfers without fees. 14% of respondents use such services. Another 9% pay for discounts in stores every month, 7% pay for goods delivery subscriptions.
More than a third of users (36%) value ad-free options when they sign up for paid subscriptions. For 32% or respondents the convenience of getting services is important. At the same time, the quality, exclusivity of content and the absence of free analogues are not always the main reasons for subscribing.
Almost half of the respondents (45%) have canceled their subscription at least once. Most often, people cancel the subscription when they no longer need the service. This was experienced by 40% of the respondents.
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