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Awards in NFT Format Will Be Presented to the Winners of RASO Award

May 30, 2022, 10:05 (UTC+3)|

The winners of the Russian Public Relations Association (RASO) Award, which will be announced in mid-summer, will be presented with personalized digital art objects with a 3D image of the Möbius strip - the symbol of the award. According to the organizers, each multimedia file will be registered in the NFT format (a unique digital certificate) on the Waves Enterprise blockchain platform.

It is assumed that they will become the first project of a new corporate service for issuance and circulation of non-fungible tokens. Waves Enterprise plans to officially release its NFT service to the market in the summer.

The organizers also say that due to use of smart contracts related to tokens, the winners of the awards will be able to exhibit them in the virtual and physical spaces.

Product cards

Waves Enterprise

Original in Russian






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