MainMarket in Brief


Baikal Electronics to Transfer the Assembly of its Processors to Russia

November 29, 2021, 12:59 (UTC+3)|

Baikal processor developer Baikal Electronics plans to transfer the assembly of its processors to Russia.

This involves the launch of packaging (installing a microcircuit in a case) at the GS Group plant in the Kaliningrad region. According to the CEO of Baikal Electronics Andrey Evdokimov, the launch is at the stage of piloting and technology development.

Baikal Electronics develops integrated circuits and systems based on ARM and MIPS architectures. The microcircuits themselves are produced at the Taiwanese TSMC factory. Evdokimov clarified that "packaging is one of the technological processes that can be transferred to the territory of the country, thereby generating most of its added value within Russia."

The company expects that assembly within the Russian Federation will be cheaper than at foreign factories, but no specific figures were given. In turn, the executive director of the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics Ivan Pokrovsky said that the process of switching chips (assembling a microcircuit) and packaging microcircuits sometimes determines up to 50% of the cost of production.

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Ivan Pokrovsky, the Executive Director of the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics

Original (in Russian)


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