MainMarket in Brief


Big Data Platform to Create a 3D Map of Russia

February 3, 2022, 13:54 (UTC+3)|

The creation of the map is a part of the spatial data project, which will start in the second half of 2022. The project involves photography drones and smartphones and lidars that perform indoor scanning. Thus, digital twins of all cities, towns and villages will be created. In the long term, it is planned to digitize roads, agricultural land, forests and create a complete 3D map of Russia. A part of the map will be classified as secret after checking by the FSB.

The company plans to cover “95% of all settlements in Russia from above and 80% of all residential and commercial premises from the inside” by 2025. Image accuracy will be 1-3 cm per pixel for territories and more than 50 pixels per 1 cm indoors.

Original (in Russian)






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