MainMarket in Brief


Biometric Solution by RecFaces Launched in Bangkok Metro

October 29, 2021, 15:57 (UTC+3)|

Biometric Passenger Identification System from RecFaces has been ntroduced in Bangkok Metro.

The system with the help of 10 cameras in real-time allows identifying faces from the stop list in the flow of passengers, categorizing people by belonging to the lists, and setting up action scenarios for different groups.

The RecFaces platform also makes it possible to track the trajectory of a specific person at the station, and when a potential criminal appears in the surveillance zone, it informs the security personnel.

Product cards


RecFaces recognizes personality by a set of biometric indicators: photo, video, 3D faces, fingerprint, iris, voice, vein pattern. The program works both as a SaaS platform in a cloud and on its own basic platforms: web interface, mobile Android clients, Windows.

Original (in Russian)


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