Intellogic, a resident of Skolkovo, integrated its platform for medical images analysis Botkin.AI with the Unified Radiological Information Service of Moscow.
The platform has passed all stages of testing, including functional testing and calibration with accuracy assessment. Computed tomography scanners of 46 capital’s medical facilities are connected to the service. CT scans are automatically downloaded and analyzed by artificial intelligence.
Currently, only Botkin.AI analyzes tomographic images to diagnose lung cancer within the framework of the experiment in Moscow. Over 7 thousand scans have been processed. It is expected that over 20 thousand tomographic images will be processed every month.
It is also planned to conduct a retrospective review of a large number of CT scans performed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CEO Intellogic (Botkin.AI project)
Botkin.AI card on ICT.Moscow
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