MainMarket in Brief


British IXcellerate will invest over $500 million in the construction of a network of data centers in Moscow

February 16, 2021, 16:55 (UTC+3)|

The British data center operator IXcellerate plans to invest over $500 million in the construction of a network of data centers in Moscow.

It is expected that the first 1.2 thousand racks will be commissioned in Biryulyovo in the second half of 2021. The company expects to launch another data center for another 2 thousand racks in Altufyevo by 2022. The total number of racks in new data centers will exceed 20 thousand.

According to the managing director of IXcellerate Konstantin Borman, the project will become the largest in Europe. Stanislav Mirin, leading consultant of iKS-Consulting, noted that the project will focus more on the commercial rather than the public sector.

According to iKS-Consulting, in 2020 the total number of racks in Russia reached approximately 50 thousand, and the revenue of commercial data centers amounted to 43.8 billion rubles.

Original (in Russian)




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