Cognitive Pilot, a joint venture between Sberbank and Cognitive Technologies, plans to begin mass production of unmanned train control systems in 2021. These systems will be equipped with artificial intelligence and will reduce the accident rate due to the human factor. The company plans to manufacture more than 2 thousand systems.
According Olga Uskova, CEO of Cognitive Pilot, potential clients are Russian Railways (RZD) and European carriers.
In September, it was announced that Russian Railways began testing the first Russian trains with artificial intelligence to reduce accidents. According to Uskova, Russian Railways has already begun preparations for equipping its locomotives with intelligent Cognitive Rail Pilot systems, orders have been received for this technology from France, Denmark and Germany, and the first contracts have been signed with European customers.
CEO of Cognitive Pilot
In November 2019, Sberbank and Cognitive Technologies announced the conclusion of a legally binding agreement to create Cognitive Pilot, a company specializing in the development of unmanned technologies in the fields of transport, agriculture, computer vision and artificial intelligence.
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