MainMarket in Brief


Digital Assets Operators Create Association in Russia

July 27, 2021, 15:53 (UTC+3)|

In July, the Association for Information Systems and Digital Financial Asset (DFA) Exchange Operators was established in Russia, TAdadvisor reports.

The new non-profit organization will represent the interests of its members in government agencies, as well as interact with financial and commercial organizations. The Association intends to defend initiatives to amend legislative acts to include members of the Association in the Register of Digital Financial Asset Exchange Operators and the Register of Information System Operators. The association will also offer assistance in the development of a platform for the exchange of digital assets, digitalization of assets, and smart contracts.

The federal law on DFA (📜) was adopted at the end of July 2020, it establishes the legal basis for the circulation of digital financial assets

Original (in Russian)


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