MainMarket in Brief

Electric scooter rental service Whoosh raised $25,7 million for development of the sharing platform

February 15, 2021, 18:00 (UTC+3)|

Electric scooter rental service Whoosh raised 1.9 billion rubles (equivalent to $25.7 million) from the pre-IPO of VTB Capital Investments and Otkritie Capital. The company expects to use this money to increase the park in the cities of presence and launch in new territories, develop systems for its own sharing platform, IoT module and other IT products.  

Now the service park has more than 10 thousand scooters. The company plans to triple it over the season. Where exactly is not yet reported. However, it is known that new services will be located in Russia. Today Whoosh operates in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi and nine other cities. According to our own data, the number of registered users of the service in 2020 approached 2 million people.

According to Andrey Azarov, co-owner of the URent electric scooter rental service, in 2020 this market in Russia amounted to about 2 billion rubles. The expert predicts that in 2021 it could reach 10 billion rubles (equivalent to $135.7 million).


Egor Bayandin, founder of Whoosh

Original (in Russian)






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