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Elena Bunina Steps Down as CEO of Yandex

April 4, 2022, 09:37 (UTC+3)|

Elena Bunina is stepping down as CEO of Yandex in Russia.

Elena Bunina is leaving the position of CEO of Yandex LLC. Artem Savinovsky has been appointed acting CEO of Yandex in Russia. We will announce further changes later,” the company’s spokesperson explained.

Prior to that, Savinovsky was the head of Yandex’s Media Services, which includes Yandex.Music, Kinopoisk, Yandex.Afisha and Yandex.Teleprogram.

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Elena Bunina

Tigran Khudaverdyan

Elena Bunina has been CEO of Yandex in Russia since December 2017. In March 2020, she was replaced by Tigran Khudaverdyan. However, a day after his appointment, he left the post after being sanctioned by the EU.

Original (in Russian)






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