MainMarket in Brief


Experiment to Create National Open-Source Software Repository is Launched in Russia

November 1, 2022, 13:35 (UTC+3)|

On November 1, an experiment began to initiate the use of open-license software, algorithms, databases and documents, including those belonging exclusively to the Russian Federation. Previously, the experiment was expected to start on May 1, but the decree was signed only on October 10. During the experiment, which will last until the end of April 2024, the national open-source software repository will be created.

Among the participants are the Ministry of Digital Development, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr), the Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT) and other organizations. Open-license policy will allow to commercialize or close the reused source code without additional approval.

Original in Russian


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