HSE specialists doubled the peak performance of their supercomputer cHARISMa. She has now reached two petaflops.
According to the rating of the top 50 most powerful supercomputers in Russia and CIS countries, among university supercomputers cHARISMa ranks second only to Moscow State University's Lomonosov-2 and SPbSPU's Polytechnic, according to the university's website.
The leading position in the overall rating is occupied by the Christofari supercomputer (8.8 petalFLOPs at its peak) from SberCloud platform.
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The supercomputer cHARISMa was launched in early 2019. It is used to conduct fundamental and applied scientific research in terms of computer modeling, big data analysis, and machine learning. At the end of last year, funding for research carried out using cHARISMa exceeded $7.8 million (570 million rubles).
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