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ICT.Moscow launches the first English-language catalog of Moscow smart city solutions

April 22, 2021, 11:00 (UTC+3)|

ICT.Moscow jointly with the Moscow Government launches the Smart City Moscow section. It includes information on 68 Moscow projects in the field of "smart cities",  which is published in English for the first time. Project include 5G Demo Center, an experimental legal regime in the field of AI, analysis of radiological images using AI and others. 

All projects are divided into the following "smart city" categories: human and social capital, digital government, urban environment, urban economy, end-to-end technologies, digital technologies and communications. Each project includes description, key results, and an indication of relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The following materials are also included in the section: 

  • a selection of more than 600 open data sets on urban infrastructure facilities
  • more than 30 sets of data collected by the Department of Prospective Projects of the IT Department of Moscow Government according to ISO37120 and U4SSC international standards
  • news, research, monitoring, reports and other "smart city" analytics

This section will be useful for foreign companies, governments and analysts to study the Moscow practices and look for new ideas for their projects. The section will be regularly updated in the future. 

Original (in Russian)


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Supported by the Moscow Government