MainMarket in Brief

Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Lab Continues to Patent its Solutions in the US

April 7, 2022, 17:33 (UTC+3)|

At the beginning of April, Kaspersky Lab announced that it had received a patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a blockchain technology for management, lawful sending and processing of personal data. ICT.Moscow drew attention to the fact that the patent was issued on February 22 (in Russia the technology was patented in June 2021).

In March, the United States added the company to the list of organizations that are deemed a threat to national security, but no new sanctions against Kaspersky Lab have been imposed yet. The US authorities have concerns that, as a consequence, the risks of cyber threats to the company’s customers around the world can increase.

ICT.Moscow’s specialists asked the company’s representative what was happening with other Kaspersky Lab’s patents that were under consideration by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and what their future would be. The company’s spokesperson assures that so far there are no restrictions for obtaining patents in this country.

Currently there are no restrictions on patenting for us. We file patent applications and obtain patents. We can obtain patents in other regions as well, for example, in the EU or China.

Anton Tikhomirov

Head of Strategic IP Development, Kaspersky Lab

When asked where else the company could patent its solutions if the United States Patent and Trademark Office stops granting patents, Kaspersky Lab’s experts said that it all depended on the situation, and we would consider each case separately.

In 2021, Kaspersky Lab topped the list of Russian companies in terms of the number of patents received in the United States, with 43 patents primarily related to network security and protection against malicious traffic.

Kaspersky Lab’s patent is called “Systems and methods for sending user data from a trusted party to a third party using a distributed registry”. The company’s experts say that the patented technology guarantees authentication reliability of parties involved in the data transfer process. Control over data is achieved by forming a distributed registry, in which each stage of the interaction of the parties during the sending of user data is recorded. Developers explain that the distributed registry contains records pertaining to the facts of the transmission of personal data and the consent of the parties to this process.

Original (in Russian)


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