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Latvia to Block Yandex Go for Storing Data on Servers in Russia

March 22, 2022, 14:19 (UTC+3)|

Latvia has decided to supersede the registration of Yandex.Taxi and block operation of Yandex Go mobile app from March 23, because the service stores data on servers in Russia.

It was also reported that Yandex Go app had exchanged information about commercial vehicles, drivers, vehicles offered by the company in Latvia, and payment cards and payments.

The Road Transport Administration of Latvia noted that “provision of data to countries that are not members of the European Union or NATO is a serious violation of national security and creates risks of data of Latvian and foreign citizens who use websites or mobile apps being leaked”.

Yandex plans to appeal against the decision. The company said that they had not received notifications from the Latvian authorities about the annulation of the registration.

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Yandex Go

Original (in Russian)


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