MainMarket in Brief Group Cloud Solutions has launched a data center in Amsterdam

February 1, 2021, 13:08 (UTC+3)|
629 Cloud Solutions (MCS) announced the launch of an international cloud based data center in Amsterdam.

Now MCS will provide companies in Europe an opportunity to store personal data of EU citizens in a familiar interface. According to the law on the protection of personal data (GDPR), personal data must be stored on servers located in the EU. Since the Russian and European MCS clouds are interconnected, additional adaptation of the solution will not be required, the company said.

Using a single cloud platform in Russia and abroad will allow businesses to spend less on infrastructure maintenance and bring their projects to market faster.

First of all, the European MCS cloud is designed for projects for which the speed of access to services is critically important: companies from the retail, fintech, information technology, gaming industry, education. Also MCS will help to scale the business not only locally, but also internationally. The presence of a data center in Amsterdam will ensure the maximum speed and availability of services, as well as compliance with the law, the company assured.


Ilya Letunov, Head of the Cloud Solutions platform

Original (in Russian)








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