MainMarket in Brief


Mikron to Provide 7 Billion Rubles to Scale Up Production

September 5, 2022, 13:25 (UTC+3)|

Semiconductor manufacturer Mikron may receive 7 billion rubles (114 million dollars) from the Industrial Development Fund against security of production equipment. The funds will be used to scale up production at the enterprise”. The company’s representatives do not comment on the information.

According to Yaroslav Petrichkovich, the founder of Elvees R&D Center, Mikron’s products can now cover “a certain segment of the Russian electronics market, primarily components for equipment for critical infrastructure and the defense sector”. Nikolai Komlev, executive director of the APKIT association, agrees that there are many tasks that can be accomplished using technologies that have already been mastered by Mikron. However, the expert says that state support is needed not only to scale up production, but also to master new technologies.

Original in Russian


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