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Ministry of Digital Development Proposed to Change Rules for Allocating Subsidies to Rostec for 5G Due to Demand for LTE

October 24, 2022, 13:12 (UTC+3)|

The Ministry of Digital Development proposed to change the rules for providing Rostec with subsidies for production of mobile network equipment. In particular, the state corporation is to work on a range of network solutions “powered by LTE/LTE-Advanced technology”, since LTE is currently the most common mobile communication technology. This is mentioned in the draft amendments by the ministry. The document also states that the 5G roadmap will be renamed to the Modern and Upcoming Mobile Networks roadmap.

Related documents:

Draft decree “On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2020 No. 2192”

In June, it was reported that Rostec had sent a new version of the 5G development roadmap to the Ministry of Digital Development, proposing to include the production of LTE base stations and the development of 6G standards into the roadmap. Later, the parties signed an agreement to provide the state corporation with subsidies for the development of 5G totaling RUB 21.5 bn (USD 356 m).

UPD (October 25, 2022):

Rostec says, “for now, the priority task is to meet the current needs of the telecommunication industry, which has suffered from foreign vendors exit […] that means to promptly organize mass production of LTE base stations, on which communications depend here and now”.

Original in Russian


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