MainMarket in Brief


Ministry of Industry and Trade Prepares Updated Concept for Development of Microelectronics until 2030

September 13, 2022, 11:02 (UTC+3)|

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has updated the concept of state policy for the development of domestic microelectronics until 2030. The document reflects the problems of the industry, including the technological backlog, challenges in mastering processes below 180 nm, lack of production capacity, critical dependence of design and production processes on foreign technologies, low investment attractiveness, etc.

The ministry offers market participants to coordinate “research in the field of advanced technologies”, increase capacities “by developing the production of microelectronic products with modern topological standards”, create an electronic engineering industry, and also stop using foreign architectures in electronics designing. To solve these problems, it is proposed to provide easier access to grant funding, subsidies and loans for manufacturers. The document will be publicly presented at the Microelectronics 2022 forum in October.

Original in Russian


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