MainMarket in Brief

Moscow Ranked the Best European City for Innovations Against COVID-19

December 1, 2021, 13:29 (UTC+3)|

Moscow was ranked first among European cities in the rating of innovations that help fight coronavirus. In addition, the capital took third place globally, ahead of Boston, London and Toronto.

San Francisco and New York ranked first and second, respectively. The rating was compiled by the international analytical center StartupBlink.

Analysts analized 160 solutions of Moscow in the fight against the pandemic, including computer vision algorithms based on artificial intelligence, cloud platforms that unite doctors, medical institutions, insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers. They also noted the projects in the field of smart tourism, e-commerce and logistics, telecommuting, and online education.


In the previous ranking, Moscow also entered the top 3 in the ranking of innovations in the fight against coronavirus infection. Last year, there were 46 innovative solutions in the capital.

Original (in Russian)


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