MainMarket in Brief


MTS and TelecomDaily: 66% of Moscow Region Companies Plan to Strengthen Information Security

October 25, 2022, 12:48 (UTC+3)|

With the departure of foreign vendors, 43% of companies in the Moscow city and region are reforming information security. The plans to strengthen the direction was confirmed by 66% of organizations. According to the MTS press service, the company deduced the information together with the analysts from TelecomDaily, having polled more than 600 large- and medium-size businesses in Moscow and the region. The respondent companies operate in the fields of industry, IT and telecom, transport and logistics, the public sector, finance and insurance.

Analysts say, information security will remain the top priority for companies in the near future. First of all, demand will increase for complex information security solutions, such as DDoS attack protection and firewalls, as well as strategic consulting in information security.

Among the other current priorities are import substitution and digitalization of services.

Original in Russian


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