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National Research Quantum Network Discussed in Russia

June 20, 2022, 10:01 (UTC+3)|

The Quantum Technology Center as part of the National Technological Initiative presented the National Quantum Research Network project at the 2022 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. It will unite Russian-based universities and research centers developing quantum technologies. The project will be based on the quantum backbone network being developed by Russian Railways as part of the industry-specific road map.

Urban networks are to be created at the entry points of the Russian Railways backbone lines, linking the cities of Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan and Nizhniy Novgorod.

At the first stage the existing local quantum networks are to be combined while the one of the ITMO University in Saint Petersburg will be connected to the University Quantum Network of Moscow State University.

The network is to lay foundation to research and development works to create and test new quantum communication devices such as repeaters, trusted and untrusted nodes, key storage and distribution systems.

Original in Russian


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