MainMarket in Brief


Regulation of GosTech Platform Developed

October 12, 2022, 17:41 (UTC+3)|

The state regulation of the GosTech digital platform has been released. The document specifies the functions and the main operating principles of the platform, as well as its members, their powers, rules for inclusion of suppliers and digital products, with general requirements for protection of data of state information systems on the platform.

According to the explanatory note, the implementation of the GosTech platform include:

  • reducing the time for creating and developing state information systems on the GosTech platform through using standard solutions and standardizing software development processes;
  • increasing the accessibility and reliability of state information systems under high loads though the high productivity of the GosTech platform;
  • forming a catalog of digital products of the GosTech platform and a mechanism for their reuse;
  • reducing costs of creating the services of state information systems by reusing software.

In addition, to reduce the time for creating state information systems, experts propose to enshrine the possibility of creating state information systems in stages, provided that the concept of creating state information systems includes the description of all stages.

Original in Russian


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