MainMarket in Brief


Research: 75% of IT entrepreneurs living in Russia come from Moscow

June 15, 2020, 17:12 (UTC+3)|

Using big data, LETA Capital venture fund has created a portrait of a Russian-speaking IT entrepreneur after analyzing the information of 5 thousand profiles in LinkedIn. According to the study, Russian-language IT entrepreneurs live in 636 cities and 89 countries. 750 entrepreneurs live in Russia, and 75% of them live in Moscow, 12% - in Saint Petersburg, and 5% - in Novosibirsk. This refers to CEO, CTO and founders of IT companies. Most Russian-speaking IT entrepreneurs graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University. The most common professional competences are as follows: project management (18%), startups (17%), software development (15%), business development (13%) and management (11%).






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