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IT Department of Moscow Government

Overview: How Video Surveillance and Video Analytics are Used and Positioned in the World

January 25, 2022, 07:45 (UTC+3)|

Analysts from the Innovation Laboratory of the IT Department of the Moscow Government have studied the new practices of using video surveillance and video analytics systems in cities and countries in Asia, the Middle East, the USA, and Europe.

They identified seven main areas where such systems are now used globally: security, education, transport, housing and communal services, healthcare, emergency services, and tourism. Separately, the experts considered new scenarios for using video analytics with drones. More than 30 practices in total, including:

  • in Cannes, video analytics allows monitoring compliance with the rules for wearing masks and social distance;
  • Beijing authorities use a face-scanning system in residential areas to control the separate collection of garbage;
  • in Shanghai, such systems make it possible to simplify the procedure for checking passengers entering the salon of public transport;
  • in Japan, technology can detect smoke and speed up the elimination of forest fires.

The authors of the study have also presented:

  • an analysis of approaches to the positioning of video surveillance, video analytics and the attitudes of residents in 21 locations, including New York, Chicago, London, Amsterdam, Helsinki, Tel Aviv, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Abu Dhabi, etc.:
  • a map of information openness of the authorities of the studied locations in the field of video surveillance and video analytics:
  • approaches to regulating the use of these technologies in Portland, Baltimore, New York and Stockholm:

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Original (in Russian)


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Supported by the Moscow Government