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Research: the growth rate of online educational platforms has dropped to pre-quarantine level

September 30, 2020, 12:07 (UTC+3)|

According to “Interfax Academia”, at the end of September school educational online resources almost completely returned to “pre-covid” audience indicators after a sharp increase during the period of self-isolation, Kommersant reports.

Most adult-oriented online services also claim that the growth rates return to pre-quarantine levels.

For example, Skyeng’s audience in September grew by 80% year-on-year - “this is approximately the anticipated rate”, - says Alexander Laryanovskiy, managing partner of the service.

The co-founder of the educational platform GeekBrains Hayk Ayrapetyan also spoke about the decrease in interest to the pre-crisis level. He points out that the number of new customers in August grew by 236% year-on-year, while during the “covid period” from mid-March to June 2020 the growth was 740%. Users sharply started to study less in online format in June, after restrictions had been eased, although indicators started to increase again in September, says Dmitry Krutov, CEO of Skillbox.

Market participants say the prospects for the end of the year depend on the epidemiological situation.

The value of the Russian online education market at the end of 2019 reached 45-50 billion rubles, according to the Interfax Academia. Alexey Chaplygin, head of the research group “ Interfax National University Ranking” forecasts that, despite the slowdown in growth after the restrictions were lifted, revenue growth this year can reach 70-80%.

Original (in Russian)


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