MainMarket in Brief


Rostec Introduced the CELLS Blockchain Platform That Can Replace SWIFT

June 2, 2022, 17:28 (UTC+3)|

RT-Teсhpriemka (an enterprise of Rostec) presented CELLS – an industrial blockchain platform developed by the Novosibirsk Institute of Software Systems. CELLS is designed to create software products and services on the basis of distributed ledger technology. A digital system of payments in national currencies was implemented on the basis of the platform.

According to Rostec’s Executive Director Oleg Yevtushenko, “the digital payment system based on the blockchain platform can be used as a full-fledged replacement for SWIFT.”

A data storage system, a blockchain platform for creating web applications protected from hacking and DDOS attacks, a digital passport service, a digital housing and communal services system and other solutions are implemented on the basis of the platform. The company believes that independent developers, large companies, banks and other organizations can become potential consumers of the solution.

Original in Russian








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