MainMarket in Brief

Rostec May Exchange Control of Spektr for Investment

November 1, 2022, 14:21 (UTC+3)|

Rostec may exchange the control of its subsidiary Spektr, LTE and 5G telecom equipment developer, for investments from institutional investors, development institutions and other organizations. The share in Spektr can be transferred to Rostelecom, Aquarius, Eltex and the X-Holding organizations. However, a Rostec representative says it is still too soon to talk about share transfers to any specific companies.

Rostec currently owns 100% of Spektr. At the same time, the motion to reduce its share in Spektr to 25% is stated in draft amendments by the Ministry of Digital Development to the governmental decree on the rules of allocating subsidies to the state corporation for the development of a telecom product line for communication networks.

Earlier the Ministry of Digital Development was reported to propose to change the rules for allocating subsidies to Rostec for 5G development considering the high demand for LTE.

UPD (November 1, 2022):

The Yadro group did not confirm the negotiations on acquiring a share of the Spektr telecom vendor company.

Original in Russian


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