MainMarket in Brief


Rostelecom and Tele2 Conclude Forward Contracts with Russian Equipment Manufacturers

October 26, 2022, 09:02 (UTC+3)|

Rostelecom concluded a forward contract (on delivering goods of a stipulated quality and quantity upon a certain date) for the supply of equipment for fiber optic communication lines with the T8 equipment manufacturer. By the end of the year, the company and its subsidiary T2 RTK Holding under the Tele2 brand will sign a number of similar contracts totaling RUB 20-25 bn (USD 326-407 m).

Rostelecom is negotiating terms with:

  • Bulat - for production of routers;
  • QTech - for production of switching devices;
  • NTR and Bulat - for production of base stations supporting 2G and 4G in 2023 to be used for bridging the digital gap and also in corporate networks;
  • X-Holding by Yadro - for production of base stations supporting 2G, 4G and also 5G (in the long run) in 2025.

T2 RTK Holding plans to conclude a forward contract with the Protei core network supplier. According to Rostelecom, the contracts are concluded as part of work of the industry competence center for mobile networks. The products will be tested in the company laboratories and in the operator’s pilot zones.

Original in Russian


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