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Russia approved the first national standard for big data

July 15, 2021, 15:46 (UTC+3)|

Rosstandart approved the first GOST for big data - “Information technology. Big data. Overview and Vocabulary”. According to the developers of the document (representatives of the National Center for Digital Economy of Moscow State University and the Institute of the Information Society), it is identical to the Information technology - Big data - Overview and vocabulary international standard.

The GOST (national standard) contains English terms related to big data translated into Russian and their meanings. For example, “data analytics” is “a concept that encompasses the acquisition, collection, validation and processing of data, including its quantification, visualization and interpretation”. And “data variability” is “changes in the transmission rate, format or structure, semantics or quality of the data array”. Key characteristics of big data (volume, processing speed, variety and variability) with the explanation of their meaning are also presented in the standard.

According to Yuri Hohlov, the chairman of the board of directors of the Institute of the Information Society, eight more national standards in the field of big data will be adopted. These standards will concern data reference architecture, security, methods of analysis, use cases, etc. Some of these documents have already been prepared, discussed in public, and some of the documents will be developed simultaneously with international standards, Hohlov says.

Original (in Russian)








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