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Russia proposed to revise the Vienna Convention for the development of unmanned vehicles

February 19, 2021, 16:37 (UTC+3)|

Russia has proposed to revise the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic for the development of unmanned vehicles. Russia and seven other European countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, France, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden) spoke with this initiative at the UN Economic and Social Council. According to the current version of the Convention, the use of unmanned vehicles is prohibited on public roads.

The authors of the initiative consider it necessary to introduce into the document the concept of "automated driving system", a software and hardware complex that dynamically controls the car. They also propose to add a clause that an automated system can be recognised by a driver if the car meets the technical and operational requirements of the states that have recognized the amendments.

Summing up the results of 2020, the representative of Yandex.Self-Driving Cars shared with ICT.Moscow the expectations that in the new year in Russia (which, unlike the United States and China, ratified the Vienna Convention) "will take progressive measures that create a favorable environment for the further development of technology." 

Original (in Russian)


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