MainMarket in Brief


Russian App Stores RuStore and NashStore Downloaded 1.5 Million Times

July 13, 2022, 14:44 (UTC+3)|

According to VK and ANO Digital Platforms, Russian app stores RuStore and NashStore have been downloaded 1.5 million times in total. In particular, 500,000 users installed RuStore developed by VK with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development. In total, more than 1,000 apps were placed at the store (as of July 12). The number of installations is more than 1 million.

The most frequently downloaded RuStore apps are financial ones (more than 50% of all downloads). Other popular categories are Tools (services for life and work; 10% of downloads), Entertainment (9% of downloads) and Shopping (6% of downloads).

NashStore, developed by ANO Digital Platforms, has been downloaded by more than 1 million people. Users have installed 3.5 million different applications from this app store.

Original in Russian


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