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ICT.Moscow opens up free access to a blockchain tech base with Russian practices aimed at a variety of industry verticals

March 23, 2021, 12:00 (UTC+3)|

An international version of the blockchain tech base has become available at ICT.Moscow. The new section presents 52 Russian practices of technology application in various fields. Practices of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Sberbank, Norilsk Nickel, the Moscow Government, Rostelecom, Kaspersky Lab, Russian Railways, S7 Airlines, M.Video, Megafon and others are included in the section.

For ease of study, all practices are divided into several categories: FinTech, Public sector, Industry and Energy, Logistics and Transport, Retail, MedTech, E-document flow, EdTech, HR-Tech, Real estate and other. Most of the cases are presented in the areas of FinTech - 16 and Public sector - 13.

Cards with descriptions of blockchain solutions developed by Moscow developers, and market analytics are also available in the new section.

Project will be useful for analysts and smart city experts, as well as developers of blockchain projects to find new scenarios and partnerships. In the future, the blockchain tech base will be regularly updated with new cases.

Original (in Russian)






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