The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation has proposed extending biometric data collection standards to commercial systems.
According to the new rules, private companies will have to provide the same level of security and data compliance as in the Unified Biometric System (UBS). Thus, the companies will have to coordinate with authorities the software as well as the model and type of equipment for collecting and storing data.
According to government sources, in the future, commercial biometric systems (BMS) may be required to transfer the collected information to the UBS, the content of which previously raised many questions. At the same time, companies with poor performance in collecting such data will have to buy them in the same UBS.
After the launch of the UBSin 2018, there are around 160 thousand items of personal data in the database. In March last year, the authorities announced their intention to increase the number of records to 70 million in two years.
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