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Russian Officials Defined AI Projects for Government Support Program

August 2, 2021, 14:36 (UTC+3)|

The Ministry of Economic Development approved the criteria for Russian projects to be considered as belonging to the field of AI and to get government support as part of the National strategy for the development of artificial development through 2030.

According to the document, a project belongs to the field of artificial intelligence if it:

  • provides for the creation, development, and (or) implementation of AI as a technology that makes it possible to imitate the cognitive functions of a person and obtain results comparable to his intellectual activity;
  • involves the creation, development, and (or) implementation of at least one AI technology (computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and synthesis, intelligent decision support, etc.);
  • focuses on the creation, development, and (or) implementation of specialized software, hardware, electronic component base, tools for developers, data sets.

The document also provides a list of technological tasks that an AI project should solve to get government support. Overall, there are around 60 listed in the document, including such stacks as computer vision (17), natural language processing (12), speech recognition and synthesis, IODSS (16), emerging methods in AI (2).

The National strategy for the development of artificial development through 2030 was signed by President Putin on October 10, 2019. Get insight on international AI regulation in ICT.Moscow's insight "Results of 2020: time for detailed regulation of artificial intelligence".

Original (in Russian)


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